About the Author

Alex Diehl grew up in the Washington, DC area during which time he studied ballet at the Kirov Academy of Ballet in DC, Maryland Youth Ballet, Dance Institute of Washington.

After graduating from the University of Southern California School of Dramatic Arts, he was a soloist at a ballet company in Los Angeles, but quickly realized he had fallen out of love with ballet.

That’s when he found yoga. Yoga allowed him to access his body in similar ways to dance, without any of the competition or performativity.

He could feel this was a healthy change, and he enrolled in his first 200-hr yoga teacher training in 2015. By that time the next year, he’d completed an additional 300+ hours of training.

Years later, Alex has taught thousands of classes, coached and led several teacher trainings himself, as well as managed and opened studios for one of the nation’s largest chain of yoga studios.

As his acting career began to afford him less time to teach classes in-person, he developed Yogable as a way to share his teaching with more people.

This blog is an avenue for him to explore and share his yoga-related thoughts and ideas that stretch off of the mat.